Invest in Marketing that "Appreciates" in Value/Results Over Time

Reality is that some marketing activities produce only short-lived results: ads, emails, social posts, mailers, and more. Gotta keep at it over-and-again or the results will start to subside. That doesn’t mean it isn’t all worth doing -- not at all‼️ My point is—after awhile—you may begin to feel like you’re treading water or running on a hamster wheel.

But to the contrary, some marketing activities provide more enduring returns. For example:

  • Reviews: The more online reviews you get, the more they all become worth—each one reinforcing the record.

  • Google Business: Every photo and/or video uploaded to your #GoogleBusinessProfile (formerly titled, #GoogleMyBusiness) subsequently stocks-up Google’s inventory of what it can show viewers in its local search results or in Google Maps, thereby increasing your opportunities to earn views.

  • YouTube: You’ve heard me say it before: YouTube is a search engine. So the more videos you feed it, the greater the probability of your videos ranking in key searches or being recommended after other videos. What’s more, the more videos on your channel, the more there is for new viewers “watch next.”

  • TikTok-&-Reels: When someone watches one of your TikTok videos, it triggers the algorithm show them your other videos. The more “other videos” you have, the better. And, btw, it works the same with Instagram Reels.

  • Blogging/SEO: Every time you post content on social, you should also post it as a blog on your website. Over time, your blogs will start to rank on searches, thus increasing traffic to your site, and, consequently, increasing your site’s domain authority—which will then help you to rank even more. It’s called SEO.

Marketing a big ole numbers game; it’s math!