Seller-Focused Marketing: “ Your Home Deserves the Spotlight”

During a coaching session last week one of my clients said he’d received three “come-list-me” calls from ON-MARKET SELLERS 🏡 who were looking to make a change in representation. Be warned… sellers aren’t waiting for listings to expire to replace ineffective listing agents (even if it isn’t the agent’s fault, per se).

They all said they’d looked him up online and got the sense that he prioritizes marketing — which is what they all cited as the likely culprit of their nonsuccess.

For instance, they Google-searched the “best realtor in____,” his Google Business Profile ranked, they perused his reviews, clicked and surfed his website, and even looked him up on Instagram.

Customers are doing WAY more than just Googling businesses these days. It’s a full forensic audit 🕵️ of your online presence. When customers look you up, will they say about you what they said of my client?

My advice:  show sellers what they’re missing in your marketing. (Constructively… don’t ⛔️ go off hating on other agents.)

For example, try out a tagline like this: “Your home 🏡 deserves the spotlight.” Integrate it across ALL your marketing channels:  videos, postcards, ads, billboards, emails, referenced in reviews, PDFs, website headings, you name it. Make it your own, standardized program for sellers. Why? Because sellers expect more... so show ‘em what they’re missing!

Just talking linguistics for a moment… In the book “BUILDING A STORYBRAND,” author Donald Miller discussed the difference in addressing external problems versus internal problems in your marketing communications.

  • External Problem:  the property is sitting and needs to sell

  • Internal Problem:  the agent should do whatever it takes

We could probably tweak the language of those problems, but I think the point conveys. Using words like “deserves” addresses an internal dissonance—that something isn’t as it could or should be. YOUR home DESERVES the spotlight.