Keyword Magic: Optimize Your Website SEO to Boost Your Google Business Profile Ranking Position

Google is always "Googling" you, gathering information from various online and offline sources. Your website, which is linked to your Google Business Profile, holds valuable data for them.

When you enter words and phrases, known as keywords, into Google's search bar, it's their mission and purpose to understand your query and present you with relevant results. That's why optimizing your website with the right keywords is a crucial step in boosting your Google Business Profile's ranking position.

And at the end of the day, “keywords” are merely words that can be categorized into distinct parts of speech, as follows:

  • Nouns: The name of your business, its locations (e.g. counties, cities, neighborhoods, et al.), and what it offers or does. For instance, a ”real estate agent" or a “title company.”

  • Verbs: Action terms like "buy," "sell," "list," "invest," "refer," "move," "relocate," and more—words that convey the dynamic actions associated with your business.

  • Modifiers: Descriptive words like "best," "top," "#1," "luxury," and so on. For example, a consumer might Google: “Best REALTOR near me.”

By strategically incorporating these diverse parts of speech throughout your website, you can significantly enhance the ranking position of your Google Business Profile in crucial, high-intent customer searches.