From Blog Posts to Video Scripts: 6 ways ChatGPT can help business owners create better content, optimize text, and more

ChatGPT is a state-of-the-art language software—a supercharged chatbot, for lack of a more descriptive term—developed by OpenAI.

It's trained on a massive amount of text data and can generate human-like text in response to a given prompt or "seed text." It runs off a complex neural network, which is a type of computer program that can learn by itself by finding patterns in data.

All this makes it an incredibly powerful tool for content creation and language-based tasks.

As a business owner (or just a human conducting your everyday affairs), you're likely always looking for ways to streamline your workflow and make your marketing efforts more efficient. This is where ChatGPT comes in extra handy.

Here are six innovative ways to use ChatGTP to assist with your operational tasks and marketing efforts:

  1. Content Ideation:  Take advantage of ChatGPT's ability to generate written content for various formats like blog posts, video scripts, presentations or speeches, social media captions, titles, text messages, image descriptions, chat sequences, and email scripts.

    Provide it with an input (or “seed,” if you will) such as a video transcript, an existing social media caption, a list of items or talking points, or a specific topic or subject matter and watch it generate the content with ease.

    Unleash the potential of the written word with ChatGPT.

  2. Text Optimization:  Fine-tune ChatGPT’s text output to suit your exact needs by additional instructions. For example, tell it to use more persuasive or compelling language, set a word- or character-count limit, switch between first-person or third-person perspectives, rewrite the text to sound more instructive or opinionated and less explanatory, to integrate keywords like or related to “______,” to match the style of the text (e.g. tone, diction, voice, etc.) to a provided sample of writing, like something you’ve written in the past, or even to modify the text to follow a specific rhyme scheme, if you wanted. Take control of the writing process by guiding ChatGPT collaboratively.

  3. Script Scrambling:  Create customized video scripts using ChatGPT and then generate unique versions by providing instructions for variations, so each team member or agent can record a personalized video.

    For instance, tell ChatGPT to change or remove humor, replace a certain percentage of the words, or modify the writing style. The potential is truly exponential.

  4. Topic Summarization:  Use ChatGPT to generate concise summaries of wordy documents or to explain complex concepts or matters.

    Get cliff-notes of books or copy/paste a news article—or even a contract, at your own legal discretion—and then ask ChatGPT questions that need answering.

  5. Tone Tweaks:  Use ChatGPT to help you write tricky text messages or email replies to avoid certain tones or phrasing that may come across as nervy or placating or excuse-making, for instance.

    Simply explain the situation, the relationships between the parties, your objectives, and your concerns (i.e., “I don’t want it to sound like I’m trying to ______,” for instance) and ChatGPT will help you articulate your thoughts and guide your words. It will even explain its rationale.

  6. Technical Assistance:  Use ChatGPT to script or fix spreadsheet formulas, share advice on schedule optimization, debug or code CSS, HTML, or any another software language, write, update, or rework your biography, generate and format keywords and copy for ad campaigns, translate any text to any language (real or imagined), write property or job descriptions, formulate interview questions, reply to online reviews, brainstorm ideas, organize a plan, compose video thumbnail text, optimize your SEO - titles, keywords, tags, meta-descriptions and so much more. We’re just getting started, friends!

Bottom line, ChatGPT is a powerful software that can help you streamline your workflow and make your marketing efforts more efficient. As a business owner, it’s critical to identify ways to make your operations run more smoothly—tasks like the ones listed above. By understanding the capabilities of ChatGPT, you’ll be in a spot to get more out of it.